Monday, September 12, 2011


Hi, well, well it's defintely been awhile, too say the least.. LOL. I can't tell ya if I've thawed those thoughts out yet or not. I still spit when seeing a black cat, even have been known to ask company when with me too spit also, lol. Yet, with that said I also have my faith placed in God and fear is with the devil.. I'm about to get quite serious about my attempts at creating a network of intelligent, creative individuals that would also be active supporters in marijuana legalization.

Friday, July 13, 2007

I'm Certain Now, that I've lost all Rational Thinking, Here's Proof

Well, I tried to start this at almost 10:30 p.m. last night, hence; I looked at nothing more than a mere blank screen until, at 1:50 a.m. on what's actually is already the begining of another
Friday the 13th !
What did it take to spark the sudden burst of thoughts, feelings, emotions, frustration, despair, humility, gratefulness, appreciation and lastly reality majority of the time, then I'd say denial about some situations and their realities, if you will.
So, about the 13th are you suspicious in any ways, or just on the 13th; or not at all ?
If you are can you explain why you are and what would you do differently on this day ? In addition, do you have any othere superstisions, such as not walking under a ladder, a black cat crossing your path, if a bird flies into your home ?

Well, I seemed to of adapted some superstitious beliefs and acts into my adult life. I don't walk under any ladders if preventable, thats a simple one.If a black cat crosses my path, I spit and no that doesn't mean I spit on the cat or at the cat, you just spit. Then, the last one of just a few to name, is the ole' tale of if abird flies into your home, whichever corner the bird flies to you'll learn of tragic news or a death within three days that happened in the direction of the corner the bird flew into.
I feel it necessary to state, I believe these above personality, and/or character follies of mine; were learned as part of my environment growing up as a child and young teenager. I'd spent a great deal of time with my grandmother Doyle (my dad's mom) up until her passing [Jan.'94] . And a moderate amount of time with my granny Creek (my mom's mom); most amount of time spent with granny was during the time shortly preceding her death [Jan.'05].
Well, its 2:18 and I've hit another 'mind freeze' moment. So, until it thaws I'll be away.